Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Carnival of Genealogy 2011 Swimsuit Issue

Well in the 2010 Swimsuit issue of the Carnival of Genealogy I said I was looking for a picture of me at the lake in a swimsuit, and I found it! It only has three of us and was taken in August of 1958 when I was 10. It was taken in front of the lake property of the McDonalds, May and Bus. Bus ran the Western Auto store about a half mile from our home in Spokane, and both May and Bus had went to school with my mom so we had known them a long time.

As I said last year my parents bought property on Upper Twin Lake in north Idaho and built a cabin there. Bus and May had a cabin on Lower Twin Lake, and Upper and Lower Twin were connected by a channel about 30 feet wide. I remember when I was pretty young we all got in our boat and headed to see Bus and May. Our boat was an early row boat with a 7.5 horse motor and with all four of us we could only do about 5 or 6 miles an hour. When we were in the channel heading for the lower lake, we met a ski boat pulling a water skier, and that boat went on one side of us and the skier on the other side as we ducked so not to get caught in the ski rope. Not to long after that the county put a speed limit of 5 miles an hour in the channel, so no more skiers in the channel.


  1. Love the photo... You were so cute! Thanks for sharing in the COG!

  2. This photo reminds me of my youth in the 1960s - a decade later but where I lived perhaps not so far ahead, fashion-wise. Thanks for sharing a great image.

  3. I'm glad you all didn't get beheaded by the water skier!

  4. That's a fun photograph. It makes me want to be near a lake or the ocean for the summer!

    I can hardly imagine being in a boat and under the tow rope of a skier with the skier and boat on opposite sides. That must have been just a little frightening. I'm so glad you're still here! Thanks for sharing your photograph and story.
