Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Night Fun Elevator Pitch

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
I saw Tonia Kendrick's post #31WBGB: Write an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog and thought to myself "self, that would make a good SNGF - and lead more readers to Tonia's 31 Weeks to a Better Genealogy blog too" which may help all of us! So:

1) Write your Elevator Speech...see suggestions in #31WBGB: Write an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog. The essence of it is: "It’s a brief overview that can be delivered in the space of an elevator ride (hence, the name). “The idea is that you have a short and sharp piece that you can say about yourself when the opportunity aris

I like genealogy research because of the quiet solitude of the library and archives, but the most uplifting part of genealogy is all the friends you meet up with helping others to the next step of their genealogy.

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