Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blogversary for Mikkel's Hus

Hardly seems like a whole year ago I wrote my first post, but the archives says it was on July 13, 2009. I had written a few posts before this as one of the team bloggers for the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society blog, but to start my own blog was an interesting step. I am rather shy in person, but have been online for a long time so not shy at all online any more. This is post number 172, I have made 79 so far for 2010 and 93 for 2009. Probably my favorites are for the Carnival of Genealogy, but the most popular are those I wrote for the Christmas Advent series. I have tried to do a lot of the Saturday Night Fun posts, and those are usually pretty fun also. Thanks for the inspiration Randy.
It has been an interesting year also, I have learned a lot about blogging, and follow about 150 blogs now, quite a few are not genealogy related (blasphemy I know), but interesting to follow anyway. I want to thank Miriam Robbins for helping me learn to blog and also for all the other bloggers for just being an example to follow.


  1. Happy Blogiversary! Look forward to reading more this next year!

  2. Happy Blogoversary, Charles! I'm so glad you joined the geneabloggers. You have done a great job this first year and I look forward to reading for many more years to come!

  3. Congratulations! In my opinion, it's no easy feat to keep up a blog with such regular posts. Good job!



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