Saturday, December 4, 2010

2010 Advent Calendar Christmas Cards

As long as I can remember we always sent Christmas cards and received a bunch of them. Mom usually wrote a letter telling what happened to the family for the year and then we made copies and stuffed the letter in with the cards. When moms diabetes started to take away her eyesight I took over doing the newsletter and was able to add pictures I had scanned. Mom would tape the cards we received to the door frames of the doors in the front room until after New Years Day. We usually saved the cards we received for a year so I don't have any from our ancestors. I have this years newsletter finished and have been making copies to get them all in the mail next week. My dad did save some post cards he got, and this is one of them.

Aunt Fred is Fedaline Dillingham sister to pop's mom Anna Dillingham Hansen. This card says Sebeka, Minn, so it had to have been sent in 1909 or before. Pops family moved from Minnesota to Montana after the 1910 census and before pops 4th birthday in August of 1910 so before the 1910 Christmas.

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